Rates for consultations

Initial consultation

All new clients please book here.

This time will be spent asking you lifestyle and dietary questions, examining any blood tests you bring, and providing you with advice to help you achieve your health goals.

Up to 75 mins | $150 | Get started

Mini consult with supplement review

This service will allow me to review your current diet and supplement stack and to give advice or prescribe supplements if needed.

Up to 30 mins | $50 | Get started

Long follow-up consultation

This consult will help us analyse how your treatment plan is going for you, provide you with motivation and support, and add any more resources or changes that may help you towards your health goals.

Necessary for complex cases.

Up to 45 mins | $85 | Get started

This consult will provide you with support and enable you to answer any questions you might have.

Suitability for short consult will be discussed during initial consultation.

Up to 30 mins | $60 | Get started

Short follow-up consultation

Discovery call

This is a free call so I can get to know you a bit and we can discuss how I can help you reach your health goals.

15 mins | Free | Get started


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